November 26, 2010
The segment that appeared on APTN (Tues.Nov.23)regarding, its sole founder and moderator, can be best expressed as a sort of good news/bad news type coverage.
The main segment provided a key insight into what fueled its existence and what now propels it. It served as a fair introduction that also delivered some basic exposure to a broad and diverse audience.
It was, however, very short on facts when it came to the intro-clip, which is viewed seperately and minutes prior to the actual segment.
"Kahnawake is evicting all non-Natives" is so far from the truth, that it's hard to believe that these words were uttered on our own (supposedly)network by one of our own peoples.
If Kahnawake were to evict all non-Natives, the numbers would easily quadruple. There are many non-Natives who live here and according to the Membership Law, they have every right to be here. The 26 individuals who were asked to leave have no right to live here according to the same law. What complicates it all is that these 26 (or apparently less) have taken residence and in collusion with Mohawk (male and female) partners, who together, thumb their noses at the Membership Law.
Every alphabet in the book could be used to point out the many news services (eg. CBC, CTV, Gazette, Journal, Eastern Door) that have slanted, butchered or invented many aspects of this "story".
It's disheartening to see that APTN somehow allowed itself to be partially drawn into the recycling mode and be caught in the "spinning vacuum", otherwise known as sensationalistic journalism.
November 25, 2010
Yes, perhaps if we threaten to take away the band card for all who dont participate in membership, we would get more involvement.
or if we bad talk Mohawks that would surly get a few more involved. It would seem, that we must sasationalize the membership cause in order to get more participation. We must wake the beast in all to pack the house with members when membership desision starts.
November 24, 2010
I have a simple and basic question. Why is there so little activity on this site?
The answer (my opinion) is complex and deeply rooted, though I'm shallow and disconnected.
People of Kahnawake respond extremely well when faced with external threats.
People of Kahnawake respond very poorly when faced with internal divisions.
People of Kahnawake respond to "external/internal" conflict by leading it to a "no-speak zone" area.
People of Kahnawake prefer the comfortable "status quo" conditions that exist, via Canada's laws.
People of Kahnawake prefer to "make nice", if it ensures that our "Indianhood" is recognized.
People of Kahnawake prefer to "lay low" until it gets "crazy", then unleash a similar reaction.
People of Kahnawake understand what is good for "them", especially when it involves wealth.
People of Kahnawake understand what it takes to "preserve wealth for all but felt by few".
People of Kahnawake understand "standards", even if (all of the above), no one else does.
This has not been written to be mistaken for satire, sarcasm or a lampooning.
This has not been written for personal gain, advantage or position.
This has not been written for rhyme, rhythm or reason.
This has been written as I've seen it and still see it.
This has been written to reach out somewhere, where ever that may be, to speak and be heard.
This has been written because "a voice unheard is a voice forever silenced" and I quote not a bible!
Nia:wen Sewakwe:kon.
November 17, 2010
There is aprox 400 people being called for a membership survey. If anyone experienced this survey? it would be nice to hear about it.
November 17, 2010
As it states in the Rodney Thomas adio interview. He says that people/members keep saying that they're fed-up with the membership issue. Because it's been going on for so long. That's there reason for not getting involved.
That's a pathetic excuse. If it's been going on for so long it the communities fault. From the first time around not enough people came forward to build this membership. If they would have, we likely would'nt be on membership again.
November 16, 2010
I believe what could help Members to be more motivated to get involved in membership is a document that reveals a picture of our community, in the form of Stats. These are just a few examples.
1.How many members we have lost over the years to mixed mariage and kids lost from those unions?.(Gov.list - band list = .......)
2. What has been the population growth over the last 50years in our community, and compare it to the average Canadian community.
3. Calculated prediction of membership in 2020, based on 4, 3, 2,and 1 grand parents.
4.What changes can be expected from our relationship with Government, has the country continues to grow and new leaders are coming from minority groups. etc......
I'm sure that much more informations would help.
My objective is to find ways to get more poeple envolved, no matter there convictions,So that the decisions made truly reflect the majority. I hope that others will do the same, and perhaps we could see a major increase in participation.
Respectfully in the brain storming efforts of the membership challenge.
Sandra Picard