Oct 27, 2010
Moderation vs. Censorship
Since I’ve started promoting the site, people have raised some questions in regards to the content, namely ‘how do you decide what goes up on the site and will you be censoring posts?’.
These are valid concerns and something that I want to address because there is a difference between moderation and censorship. Many websites and media outlets create guidelines when it comes to user-generated content to help encourage a healthy debate and to protect themselves from lawsuits. Allowing, say, racial slurs and name calling can quickly turn a conversation into a free-for-all and detracts from the intended goal of the site.
Censorship boils down to banning or limiting an expression of certain views. I do not censor or edit any of the notes but I review them to ensure that they respect the site’s terms and conditions. These guidelines help maintain the quality of site and create a safe space for discussion and exchange.
The goal of Kahnawake Voices is to create a dialogue by including a variety of opinions, experiences and questions.
If you think you’re post was unfairly declined, let me know. I’ll re-evaluate it and perhaps put it on the site and let the community discuss what they think about it.